Site Announcement


夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时


Step 1提交免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is an application for federal student aid such as federal grants, work-study funds, and loans. In addition, the State of Iowa and Hawkeye will use your FAFSA information to determine your eligibility for state and school aid including grants and scholarships. Some private aid providers may use your FAFSA information to determine whether you qualify for their aid. 什么是FAFSA®表格?我为什么要填写它?


这是最快的,强烈推荐 在学生援助网站上提交你的 要在线提交你的FAFSA,你需要一个 联邦学生援助(FSA)的ID.

If you are applying for 2023年秋季,2024年春季和/或2024年夏季 选择FAFSA年度2023-2024.

If you are applying for 2024年秋季2025年春季和/或2025年夏季 选择FAFSA年度2024-2025.

It is highly recommended that you fill out the FAFSA as soon as you can to ensure you do not miss out on available aid.


在7月1日之前提交你的FAFSA,有资格获得爱荷华州基金. If you miss the July 1 deadline it's not too late to file, you may be eligible for limited funding.


If you are applying for 暑期课程的经济资助,也可参阅说明书上的 Summer Financial Aid page.


Federal Student Aid: Account Username and Password (FSA ID) 2 video playlist

Step 2申请奖学金和外部资助

Scholarships = FREE Money!

  1. 申请靠谱买球app推荐奖学金和外部奖学金 通过个性化的在线门户网站. Answer just a few questions and be matched to scholarships for which you are eligible. Be sure to also file your FAFSA to determine if you to qualify for more scholarships.

  2. Report all scholarships you are awarded to the Financial Aid office so the scholarships can be included in your financial aid offer letter.

Outside Funding

If you will be receiving funding from outside sources—including scholarships and sponsorships—or the amount of funding you will receive has changed, 你需要尽快通知财政援助办公室. These additional funds need to be included in your total financial aid offer as required by federal law.

Step 3查看您的学生援助报告(SAR) / FAFSA提交摘要

The Department of Education will provide you with a summary of your FAFSA information called a Student Aid Report (SAR) / FAFSA Submission Summary. This report summarizes the financial information you entered on the FAFSA and is used to determine how much federal and state aid to offer you. Your Student Aid Report / FAFSA Submission Summary will be emailed to you by the Department of Education if you provided an email address. If no email is available, your Student Aid Report / FAFSA Submission Summary will be mailed to you within three weeks. You can also view your Student Aid Report / FAFSA Submission Summary online: Visit 及使用你的金融服务管理局编号登入.

Review your Student Aid Report / FAFSA Submission Summary carefully and if needed, 修改并重新提交. 如果不需要更正,请保留报告作为记录.

Step 4提交所有要求的表格和文件

Once your FAFSA is processed we will begin to prepare your financial aid offer. Our office typically receives your FAFSA results within two weeks.

以确定资格, the Financial Aid office may be required to request forms and documentation from you — such as federal tax transcripts — in order to determine eligibility. 如果我们需要更多的信息,我们将发送电子邮件给您 Hawkeye email.


Upload requested forms/documentation through the “Manage” option on your Self-Service Checklist so we can continue preparing your financial aid offer.

我们建议您每天检查您的靠谱买球app推荐电子邮件. 有些项目是时间敏感的.

You can also view and upload requested information in your Financial Aid Self-Service. Self-Service > Financial Aid > Complete Required Documents.

Your financial aid offer cannot be processed until all verification requirements are complete.

Step 5审查你的经济援助邀请

When your financial aid offer is ready, you will receive a financial aid offer notification to your Hawkeye email.

Your financial aid offer will notify you of your eligibility for funds available from the state and federal government and Hawkeye based on your FAFSA, as well as funds you have received from other sources — such as scholarships, 军人和退伍军人福利, and sponsorships. However, your financial aid offer is not a commitment of funds or a binding contract and is subject to change.

要查看您的经济援助通知,请登录到 Self-Service > Financial Aid > Select the appropriate Award Year > Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package.

大学成本透明度倡议合作伙伴. Clarity. Consistency. Accuracy.靠谱买球app推荐 is committed to using the Principles and Standards of the 大学成本透明度倡议 在学生经济援助中.


如果你没有获得经济资助, you may have to complete required documents before we can process your offer. Check Self-Service > Financial Aid > Complete Required Documents.

是否已填写所有所需文件, 请继续查看您的靠谱买球app推荐电子邮件以获取您的录取通知. Allow one to two weeks for required documents to be reviewed and your offer to be processed.


Yes. Your initial offer, done prior to June 30, is based on full-time, full-year enrollment. 如果你的注册级别不是全日制或全年, your award will be adjusted even after accepting the awarded funds.

If at any time, 学期前或学期中, your enrollment status changes — you add or drop a class or withdraw from all your classes — contact the Financial Aid office immediately.

Your financial aid offer may also change as a result of a special circumstance. Federal financial aid regulations assume that the family has primary responsibility for meeting the educational costs of students. However, 在某些情况下, 根据专业判断, 学院在授予经济援助时可能考虑的因素. 参见特殊情况申诉了解更多信息.

You will receive an email to your Hawkeye email anytime your award is adjusted.


Step 6完成额外贷款要求

如果你获得了联邦直接贷款,你需要 accept or reject the loan(s) and complete the disbursement requirements 在你的贷款资金可以支付到你的学生账户之前.

If you took out a private student loan,您需要完成 "Good Choices" packet 在你的贷款可以证明支付之前.

Contact Information

Financial Aid

Hawkeye Center 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020
319-209-9239 (text only)
319-296-4495 (fax)
Email Financial Aid

正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

May 13 – July 26, 2024
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm

如果校园关闭,财政援助办公室也会关闭. 这包括与天气有关的关闭. 参见预定的大学关闭.

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

2024年7月29日- 12月20日
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

Schedule an appointment

Federal Student Aid. An office of the U.S. department of education. 骄傲的赞助商或美国人的思想.

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